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Stathern Garden Club
trip to sea from Boston

A coach load of excited members of the Garden Club left Stathern at 8.00 in the morning ready and excited about our trip to sea in a boat.   We sailed from Boston Harbour out via The Haven to the Wash.  This channel enables freight ships and the fishing fleet safe access to the sea. 

The birdwatchers among us had a wonderful time identifying a wide range of birds on the shoreline, oystercatchers, redshanks  and lots of gulls among others.  The weather was beautiful – sunny with a minimum breeze and those on the outside decks were shedding layers.  Once out in the Wash, any worries of waves or a choppy sea were dispelled and the pilot of the bat took us about 1 mile out to sea.  He then turned round and took us up the River Welland which is where we saw the seals as well as lots more birds.

Lunch had been eaten and several forays were made to the ship’s bar for a drink -  tea and coffee for some as well as the  alcoholic variety. Though as can be seen some brought their own.  After about a mile of river we turned round and went back to the entrance to The Haven and  on to the harbour.    Lots more birds and a greater variety than those seen earlier.  

Lots of thanks are due to Trish for all her hard work organising our wonderful day out.  Plans will soon start for next year’s trip.

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