STATHERN Gardening Club

February 5th 2025
The AGM at 7pm followed by a talk at 7.30pm by Cherry Wells on @St.Ann’s Allotments, Nottingham.
Garden Party report - click here
Trip to Nottingham Hardy Plant Society
Wollaton Park
Lots of photos - click here
Our February meeting was an enjoyable, educational and very personal introduction to St Ann's allotments In Nottingham. The talk was given by Cherry Wells who lives in Stathern and recently the organisation she manages was responsible for the area. Several of us visited last year and after this talk I suspect we will be going again. The allotments are within 1.5 kilometers of the Council House in central Nottingham but within them it is similar to being in the countryside. There are over 30 miles of hedging which surround the individual plots many of which are 3 times the size of the Function Room at The Plough Inn. We saw images of the dereliction which with support from various funding bodies has been cleared to create the productive areas that exist today.
The talk was preceded by the Annual General Meeting of the Stathern Garden Club. Kate reported on the previous years' activity. The Committee with one exception will be carrying on as before, Our long term Treasurer, Sharon Wilson has decided to finish as our Treasurer after 10 years in the role and a presentation was made in appreciation of her efforts. Kirsty McDonald was introduced as her replacement, Welcome Kirsty.
Come and join us

We have regular monthly meetings
on the first Wednesday of every month
at 7.30pm
in The Plough Inn, Stathern.

Stathern Gardening Club have a variety of events during the year including speakers, quiz, suppers, garden visits, members garden party, and the annual Horticultural Show.
New to the village?
Monthly meetings give members a chance to share experiences and offer advice, especially for new gardeners.

The club would love to welcome you to join us and take advantage of the expertise available.
The annual membership fee of £12.50 offers extremely good value and all you need to do is contact -
Chair person: Kate Jordan​
For bank details contact -
We look forward to meeting you.